Ready to Join UCT?

Simply sign up to our mailing list. We’ll send you everything you need to take you through the process of joining the UCT, including explanations, instructions and template documents to declare/join Trusts within UCT, and affirm your alignment with UCT values.

By signing up, you are under no obligation to join, there is no charge, and no time limit. Simply work your way through all the information and documents we send you, in your own time.

Some things to note…

Joining the UCT is a simple 3-step process of creating and joining Trusts, which will eventually sit under an umbrella Trust, the UCT itself – that’s why it’s called Universal Community Trust.

Step 1: To start the process, you’ll need to declare your Family Trust or Private Trust. You’ll receive the Family/Private Trust document and explanations on how to do this in the first few emails.

Step 2: Your Family Trust/Private Trust will then join an existing Sovereign Community Trust [SCT]/AnarchoNation [AN], as a beneficiary, or if you feel you have what it takes to be a leader and nation-builder, you may wish to declare a new SCT/AN and become a trustee, with time. Again, you’ll receive instructions and templates to do so in the next few emails.

Either way, please note there will be verification/approval processes in order for you to join/declare an SCT/AN under UCT. We do not guarantee automatic acceptance of all applications to the UCT.  

Step 3: You, your fellow trustees and beneficiaries will affirm your alignment, via the Affirmation of Beneficiaries document (delivered in the last few emails), to UCT values and Natural Law, as outlined in the UCT Treaty.

That’s it. Once your paperwork has been received and approved by the UCT team, we’ll notify you that you’ve joined the UCT!

At any point in the process you can suggest ideas or actions which will help to create robust UCT communities, ready for the future.

Let’s get you started. Sign up to our mailing list above to receive our Join-UCT series of emails, each delivered four days apart.

A WORLDWIDE community.


Do no harm, cause no loss, and accept no wrongdoing against you.

If you wish to join the UCT, please start the process by signing up to our mailing list below.

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